ConvoyWeb » Esso Manhattan

Ship Movements

ESSO MANHATTAN (Amer)   10,172 tons, built 1942

Departure Convoy Arrival
Key West, Sep 11, 1942 KH.402 (Key West - Galveston Bar) Galveston Bar, Sep 15, 1942
Galveston Bar, Sep 18, 1942 HK.104 (Galveston Bar - Key West) Key West, Sep 22, 1942
Key West, Sep 22, 1942 KN.202 (Key West - NYC) New York, Sep 26, 1942
New York, Jun 11, 1943 NG.367 (NYC - Guantanamo) Guantanamo, Jun 18, 1943
Guantanamo, Jun 18, 1943 GAT.69 (Guantanamo - Trinidad) Aruba, Jun 22, 1943
Cristobal, Jul 17, 1944 ZG.79 (Cristobal - Guantanamo) Guantanamo, Jul 21, 1944
Hollandia, Jan 31, 1945 GI.8 (Hollandia - Leyte) Leyte, Feb 5, 1945

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Data supplied by Don Kindell, extracted from the late Arnold Hague's papers with the kind permission of Mrs. Gill Hague.