BHX Convoys

The BHX series carried traffic from Bermuda to join the HX convoy of the same number at sea which was sailing from Halifax to the UK. The series ran from May 1940 (BHX.41) until July 1941 (BHX.137). One convoy, BHX.104 sailed directly to the UK

Note that the following convoys did not form.


BHX 074
BHX 092
BHX 105
BHX 115
BHX 116

BHX 117
BHX 118
BHX 119
BHX 120
BHX 121

BHX 122
BHX 123
BHX 124
BHX 125
BHX 126


Convoys 82
Ship Entries 1,293
Escort Duties 20 (AMC)